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1 Peter 3:4 (EHV)
“Rather let your beauty be the hidden person of your heart—the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in God’s sight.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
Caution is required when fielding negative comments that lessen your worth, whether fired by the enemy or by yourself. Satan seizes every opportunity to allow negativity to set a hook in your mind and heart. The moment it does, he’s there to drive it in more deeply, increasing the swath of damage it creates. Be vigilant to defend and deflect any negativity, no matter the source. God allows us to guard our thoughts and protect our inner dialogue.
I’ve seen and experienced negativity taking over my mind and becoming destructive, similar to coaches who attempt to enhance performance by shameful and belittling comments. And with it, like any form of bullying or abuse, the mood shifts, pessimism seeps in, and hope evaporates, compromising my ability to perform.
In the sharpest contrast, think about how Jesus looks at us. We are beautiful and precious in His sight, without blemish. Reach for God’s view of you rather than the world’s, and soak in His affirmations. Purposefully make company with those beaming with positivity, those who describe your heart like the Song of Solomon, “beautiful,” “majestic,” “without flaw,” and “delightful.” These descriptors align with God’s view of you.
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