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Psalm 46:10 (GW)
“Let go of your concerns. Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth.”

Book Audio Coming Soon!

Why is facing the unknown so hard? We feel fears well up—fears about making the wrong decision. Hesitation seeps in to our minds, and we can even have a physical reaction to fear—a jump in heart-rate and a feeling of stress. Then there’s no decision at all: the worst response. Our thoughts go into a tailspin. Like tires tucked on a track with a train’s light in sight. If you feel paralyze by fear this way, don’t forget to breathe. Breathe in the authority God placed in you, and exhale all that Satan plants in your mind and heart: the fret, angst, what ifs, and stress. The highest-trained military warriors know that the worst decision is no decision. God’s battle cry is to act definitively, boldly, and courageously. It’s been said, “indecision and delays are the parents of failure.” Special warfare teaches, “Any decision is better than no decision. Indecision will get you killed!” No matter your situation, know that God has you exactly where you’re supposed to be, equipped with what you need when you need it. Stay calm.
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