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Isaiah 51:12 (NIV)
“I, yes I, am the one who comforts you.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
God is our comforter. The beauty of trials and disasters is the feeling of being in the arms of Jesus, resting with God. His presence takes disaster and changes it into comfort. He possesses the kind of comfort that buoys up my faith and allows me to feel the depth of His love, His hope, and His assurance. Only through Him do I feel peace that everything is going to work out.
I have an image that I refer back to when I think of God as a comforter. I remember a time when I was hiking in the hills of a wilderness area after a wildfire ripped through it, decimating everything in its path. All the fire had left behind was a layer of blackened ash that carpeted the hills like newly fallen snow. Right in the middle of the destruction I discovered a flower in full bloom, perfectly preserved and unharmed. That’s how I feel about my journey through the fires of life: totally protected and comforted by God following the firestorms of challenge and difficulty.
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