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Do My Actions Reflect The Fact I'm Following Jesus?
Ephesians 5:3-54 (EHV)
“But do not let sexual immorality, any kind of impurity, or greed even be mentioned among you, as is proper for saints. Obscenity, foolish talk, and coarse joking are also out of place. Instead, give thanks.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
Do I really follow Jesus? Many quickly respond with, “Of course, I’m in church every Sunday,” or, “Yes, we attend every Christmas and Easter.” The ritual is there—the weekly habit of showing up for service,—but often the rest of the week reveals that we are fully immersed in the world.
Of course, people who lie, cheat, manipulate, and harm others in no way reflect a relationship with Christ. But there’s the far more subtle majority. Those who live under the doctrine of “I’m a good person!” What I call the 80 percent are the people who live with a solid moral and ethical code but spend no time with
Jesus outside of Sunday mornings.
If I want to grow my faith, Christ wants all of me. Like any relationship, the more I invest, the more I receive. Spending time with Jesus, praying to him, and investing in a live and vibrant conversation reminds me what I’m thankful for in the past, how I’m managing the present, and how I’m leaning forward into
God’s plans for me.
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