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Do Not Compromise
Job 31:5 (EHV)
“Have I walked with deceit and lies? Has my foot hurried to pursue fraud?”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
A subtle sin is bending the truth just enough. Where the optics don’t match what’s delivered, this sin of almost truth exaggerates itself to create a compelling story or call to action, but doesn’t quite balance with reality. On the other hand, facing the unknown requires precision, not chasing after glittering generalities. It involves truth in action.
Have you ever walked close to a ballpark or playground and heard the calls of “Heads Up!” Instinctually, your eyes flare, and your hands and arms cover your head defensively as your vision darts for the falling object of danger. At the highest military level, it’s a distraction deployed against an aggressor to shift
their focus before an assault.
Exaggerations of these kinds are different when facing the unknown. Hyperbolic commentary from onlookers, such as “It’s no big deal,” “You’ll be fine,” or “There’s not any danger,” play no role in facing the unknown. Instead, you will want facts to develop a strategic and tactical plan to overcome. In these situations, avoid the exaggerators. Don’t allow hype to compromise surviving what lies ahead.
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