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Enough To Answer
Psalm 3:3-5 (NCV)
“But, Lord, you are my shield, my wonderful God who gives me courage. I will pray to the Lord, who will answer me from his holy mountain.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
The difference between the résumé description of our abilities and how the gospel describes us is so entertaining to me. What if my self-description reads the same as the gospel defines us: “I am weak, I am sinful, I am flawed, I am broken, and I am needy!” Someone of that description is not who I would want to hire! But the truth is that we are without God and we need Him!
God is strong, forgiving, and gracious, and above all, He’s ready to answer us. Ask Him expectantly to do what He’s already promised, and He will answer you. And when Jesus responds as our provider, defender, and restorer, factor in thankfulness.
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