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God's Special Possession

Exodus 19:5 (GW.)
“Then, out of all the nations, you will be my special possession, even though the whole world is mine.”

Book Audio Coming Soon!

How many days have you faced when you felt like a bullied kid with a black eye and swollen lip? I have often felt overlooked with my head on a swivel, looking for someone or anyone who would reach out to me with the assurance that I would be okay. I have felt the world’s weight rest squarely on me, with Satan perched on my shoulder, whispering, “Don’t you want to give in? Don’t you want to escape it all? Just give up!” His goal is to tempt us with false promises of relief constantly. God’s message is much more powerful, authentic, and instantly available. You are God’s possession: unique, precious, and treasured over everything else. We can immediately transition to a high end from any low point by soaking in His love. Let His love wash over you, soothing your wounds, healing your heart, and restoring your hope. Our God will never overlook His poetry, artistry, and prized possessions.
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