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John 8:12 (NIV)
“I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will neverlive in darkness but will have the light that
gives life.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
God is my guide. I am his follower; I am second. There is a widely accepted influx of self-proclaimed leaders in today’s culture. However, there is only one true leader. If I claim the lead and wave God in, there is a high possibility I am leading others outside of God’s will. It is simple: my determination and passion to succeed are off target if they are motivated by Self. By dispelling a mindset of, “It’s up to me,” I can take the back seat, rid myself of self-absorbed motivations, and let God take His right place as the guide in my life.
In the Bible, Jesus models motivation and inspiration for me with his sole focus on pleasing his Father God. Jesus’s focus is not on money, fame, or trophy hunting. Instead, He is zoned in on living for God, both through the blessings found in the trials and the blessings found in the rewards.
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