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He Is Our Healing
Deuteronomy 28:2 (ESV)
“And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
Where is God when there’s a storm? Maybe you’re battling a massive medical trial. From early diagnosis, you prayed for God to heal. Through the treatments, you prayed for Him to restore your physical well-being. Nurses and attending physicians pray with you and for you. Your family, friends, and church community continue to lift you up in prayer, and yet you are faced with medical setbacks instead of healing.
This story is not so uncommon. Still, these challenging times call for you to find where God is, whether through the failing marriage in your family that reconciled during your trial, the distant child who came to your bedside and accepted Christ, or the atheist physician who witnesses your faith and asks about your relationship with Jesus. Even when things aren’t going well, God is at work.
Immediate recovery may not be in God’s plan for us. He uses our trial to grow our faith. We can show the tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people in our lives how you depend on Jesus and are thankful for and in the storm. Look for all the places where God acts. He will reveal a flood of blessings as you draw close to Jesus rather than remaining distant. Even in setbacks, you are not alone.
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