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His Child
Galatians 4:7 (CEV)
“You are no longer slaves. You are God’s children, and you will be given what he has promised.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
What does it mean to be God’s child? Is it a promised relationship that awaits after our earthly life? Does the distance between Heaven and Earth separate us? Is it all the love and comfort that Jesus has for us not to be experienced now? Instead, is it something to look forward to the moment we enter the gates of Heaven?
When I picture connecting to Christ, I see my child running into my arms. Every fiber of their being stretches towards me, and once in my embrace, their whole body collapses into mine. They hold on with a conviction and strength I hadn’t realized was in them. And within our embrace comes the assurance that everything will be okay; they are entirely safe and secure.
It’s not God’s intention to tease us with a future reward. He desires us to experience His love in the current moment and throughout our lives. The divide between Jesus and us is self-imposed. Satan convinces us of lies that our mistakes, mishaps, and moral breakdowns create separation between us and God. It’s simply untrue. Rush to Jesus’s embrace and feel His joy.
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