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How Am I Serving God?
1 Samuel 12:24 (ESV)
“Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
Sometimes I feel lost while trying to serve God! Life can feel like controlled chaos. Like managing levels of sheer pandemonium with all too infrequent moments of calm. I have to juggle the kids, the job, ailing family members, and bills. Add good works, evangelizing, and defending the truth to the mix!? How
am I supposed to serve God as well?!
It’s in the middle of this overwhelm that God asks us to rest and reset. To reformat and gain perspective on His calling and purpose for our lives. One of my closest friends frequently says, “Aim at nothing, and you will always hit it.” The proper perspective is to aim at Heaven in everything we do rather than hyper-focus on worldly demands and give only our leftovers to God.
It could be helpful to think about the demands before you like an artist sees a blank canvas. Like an artist, find the places where God reveals His goodness. Flashes of light, textures, images mirrored on water, a wild display of colors that perfectly blend. When you look at your challenges this way, suddenly, God’s goodness becomes a clarifying focal point among the demands of life you face.
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