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How Big Is Our God?

Psalm 95:3-5 (NLV)
“For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. The deep places of the earth are in His hand. And the tops of the mountains belong to Him. The sea is His, for He made it. And His hands made the dry land.”

Book Audio Coming Soon!

I have spent the past few days traveling, beginning at the Pacific Ocean, and traveling across barren deserts seemingly void of life with their scorching temperatures, and climbing up into the Western slope of the continental divide surrounded by the 14,000-foot peaks of the Rockies. The description ‘jaw-dropping beautiful’ does not begin to describe the views as I hike, fish, and ride through lush wilderness landscapes. The scenery is full of mountain peaks, lakes, and streams. When I look at creation, it is easy to see how small I am and how enormous my God is. God is the master crafter who planned and spoke everything into existence. He also created every experience, including the pandemics and disasters we currently face. This next series focuses on how big our God is and how he can lead, guide, and direct us in overcoming challenges in life. Some of these challenges include the depths of depression, battles with illness, addiction that masks our pain, and harm caused by bullies, abusers, and those who have abandoned us. These are magnified in size to us but are small to our God who can overcome all things.
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