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Is My Heart Good? Does It Matter?
Hebrews 12:11 (EHV)
“No discipline seems pleasant when it is happening, but painful, yet later it yields a peaceful harvest of righteousness for those who have been trained by it.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
Is your heart in trouble? Are stress, angst, fear, and sin more damaging than cholesterol or high blood pressure? Annual medical reviews are common, but decades can pass without monitoring your spiritual heart. Not only is it critical for growing your faith to have your spiritual heart checkup, but as Satan attacks,
it has to be a daily practice.
I haven’t studied any empirical medical data, but all the toxicity that life presents has to be harmful to our bodies. The negativity of an angry co-worker. Our reactions when someone cuts us off on the road. What stews in our minds after an argument with our spouse? Or the weight of worry as our kids face
all of today’s challenges? Logically, it’s this stress that fuels any host of physical ailments and diseases.
So, how do we respond: mindfully or mindlessly? I often see so many go ostrich, so to speak. We stick our heads down in a hole, backside in the air, hoping it all goes away by disregard or denial. Newsflash: that never works!
God instructs us to be proactive and to act purposefully. Nobody enjoys discipline, let alone self-discipline, but it is critical to purge what’s harming us and focus on what’s right. Doing so yields what the Bible calls, “the fruit of
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