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On Your Dreams

Matthew 21:22 (AMP)
“And whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Book Audio Coming Soon!

Knowing God is in control is a given, but I love thinking about dreams, too. The common question is, “If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?” When I ask this question, people look up and share their dreams unhampered by eligibility, possibility, or probability. The comments that begin with “if only” reveal a vision to pursue something beyond ourselves and for the benefit of others. Some people define dreams by their talent, but I believe our spiritual gifts define us. God blesses some people with more than one gift, but every person God creates has at least one. But this is where ambitions are limited by doubt through questions such as, “What if I don’t know my spiritual gift?” “What if I can’t find it?” or “What if I find my gift, but I want something else?” We can only purge these questions through God. We must let God in on our dreams. Talk with God about the aspirations and inspirations that He’s embedded in you. Share your hopes and visions, knowing you can do more with God engaged in your pursuit. Ask God for the courage to step forward regardless of the limits set by others or ourselves. Let God in on your dreams.
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