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On Your Talents

1 Timothy 4:14 (TLB)
“Be sure to use the abilities God has given you.”

Book Audio Coming Soon!

God has given you not only spiritual gifts but also talents. These are skills that come to you naturally; they’re easy. You may be talented as an athlete, an influencer, a motivator, a writer, or a leader. Have you identified what you hold as your God-given talent, regardless of how your skills are from Him and for Him? They are your unique signature and creative authority for God’s glory. Dedicate your talent to Christ. In turn, He will directly use you to impact others. In your own way, God deploys you to draw others to Christ or, for believers, to bring them closer to Christ. God entrusts these specific gifts to you, not to hide or keep to yourself but to fulfill His commandments. Romans 13:8 says, “Love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.” Let God in on your talents to further glorify Him.
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