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On Your Time

James 4:14-15 (HCSB)
“You don’t even know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be! For you are like smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes.”

Book Audio Coming Soon!

God gives us the same twenty-four hours a day. We each have 1,440 minutes to use every day and 168 hours to use each week. Of course, we must sleep for part of the day; that’s a given. Those who profess that rest is for the weak are foolish. Still, we are responsible for effectively balancing our time to live as productively as possible for Christ. From the moment we are born, the countdown begins on the time God allots for each of us. Some people have more time than others, but we can use our time for however long we have. Indeed, time is irreplaceable, and we should treat it like a precious gift. Deploy every effort to fulfill God’s design rather than meandering through life, allowing time to flow past like an aimless river. We must attack each hour and treat each day like it’s our last! Allow your time to model a blaze pushed by the wind. God’s design is to influence humanity, and we must mirror Him as His ambassadors. Alive, vibrant, and on fire with purpose and enthusiasm, pointing all our efforts toward achieving for Him. Give everything to God by letting Him in on your time.
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