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Relax And Rest
2 Corinthians 4:16 (NET)
“Therefore we do not despair, but even if our physical body is wearing away, our inner person is being renewed day by day.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
Rest is not merely an Old Testament reference. God didn’t create the Sabbath as a suggestion. His command for us to rest has yet to age out. Rest allows us to assess, strategize, and press forward in our current situation with renewed strength and vigor. He created rest to arm us with an effective weapon against evil.
Despite all the known benefits of rest physically, emotionally, and spiritually, culture today still undervalues God’s commands. We’re overworked and overstressed, and we default to managing exhaustion rather than attempting to live well-rested.
To effectively cast your burdens to Christ, follow His command to rest. Fully follow His model of rest to refresh and restore. Dismiss when Satan whispers that rest is for the weak or a sign of laziness. Rest remains an essential and critical part of God’s natural rhythm designed for us to thrive in His care.
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