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Soak In His Joy
Nehemiah 8:10 (GNT)
“The joy that the Lord gives you will make you strong.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
The Webster’s Dictionary definition of joy is, “The emotion evoked by the prospect of possessing what one desires.”1
We already possess it with vibrant and pure happiness from Jesus’s presence, for He is beside us to guide, defend, and empower us. Now more than ever, joy is essential, not just to survive but to fully overcome the challenges in our world.
Presently, it appears that so many people are empty of joy. Financial strains, health concerns, the weight of uncertainty, and the constant noise of social infighting all seek to take our joy, but we have a choice. We can turn to our Father, who extends us peace every day.
If you want to cast your cares to God fully:
1. Give into His joy.
2. Accept it with open arms.
3. Allow God’s joy to wash over you, revive you, replenish you, and restore your role as a joy-giver despite
worldly influence.
4. Be the one who chooses to live life enthusiastically and joyfully despite current situations, whether
trying or promising.
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