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What Does He Want?
Deuteronomy 10:12 (MSG)
“Just this: Live in his presence in holy reverence, follow the road he sets out for you, love him, serve God, your God, with everything you have in you.”
Book Audio Coming Soon!
The bookends of exasperation and lack of understanding come together, causing you to collapse and placing you on the brink of giving up. Ask God at the pinnacle of this frustration and pain: “What do you want from me?” Knowing God’s expectations provides the inspiration and aspiration to persevere.
What God expects is for us to live and revere His presence, meaning treating God as Holy. Not as your friend, your pal, or someone you choose to hang out with occasionally. Put Him first by spending consistent, dedicated, intentional time with Him, listening to Him, serving Him, and following His commands.
Most of all, what God expects is our consistency—not taking Him off the shelf when we aren’t in the mood or when a new need arises. Do not treat Him like a genie, around to grant wishes whenever you ask. He wants everything you have without the notion of you delegating responsibilities. “God, You handle these three things, and I’ll take on the balance,” kind of divide-and-conquer work protocols. Everything means everything!
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