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Where Can I Find Jesus?

Isaiah 30:15 (CEV)
“I will keep you safe if you turn back to me and calm down. I will make you strong if you quietly trust me.”

Book Audio Coming Soon!

Where can I find Jesus? The answer is in silence. Taking deliberate actions to step away from the chaos of life, quiet our minds, and allow the noise to subside. Then, the miracle of our faith emerges. Rising from silence is the voice of Jesus! His impressions fill our minds. His promptings on what to do next come into focus. His path for us is clear. We’ve all seen the story: • Multi-lane boulevards • Traffic racing in every direction • A person walking through the crosswalk It is not an unfamiliar scene until you witness their head down, eyes fixed on their smartphone, thumbs flying across the screen, oblivious to traffic. Our addiction to distraction fills our minds with constant noise, separating us from what lies in front of us, and separating us from God. Think of the connectivity we could have with Jesus if we redirect even a portion of our time dedicated to our devices back to Him. We must set aside time each morning to get quiet and get close to Christ. We must silence the sound of social media, texts, and email notifications just long enough for the volume of God’s voice to rise. Find Jesus in the sound of silence.
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