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God's Warrior Deployed

Armed With God's Strength

God's Warrior Deployed

Psalm 18 verse 39 says (NIV) "You armed me with strength for battle; you humbled my adversaries before me."

In our humanness we worry, we fret, we wonder if we can overcome the challenges in front of us. To pursue our dreams, realize our goals, and defeat our enemies we must act beyond our humanness and fully depend on Christ.

As the faithful, as Warriors for Christ we are assured of victory. There are no ‘maybes,’ ‘no perhaps,’ no luke-warm hopes for victory. God states that we will win, no matter what!

“Jesus, I don’t want to battle for the possibility of victory! I pray for the confidence of knowing that victory is assured, it’s guaranteed! Empower me to battle with Your strength and the conviction that victory is imminent! Love you Jesus, Amen!”

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