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Live As A Master Communicator


Live As A Master Communicator

Luke 10 verse 19 (ESV) says, “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy”

What is really in our power? Are we in control? Too many are scrambling through life, bouncing from one panic moment to the next. Living through constant high-stress events sprinkled with fleeting moments of calm.

Today’s world offers master-minds, thinkers, influencers. Stories of human will and endurance.

Of far greater impact is God’s might. I want to choose His authority over human will. I want to ask God, then listen to His authority on how to press forward.

“Jesus, help me accept the enormous gift You’ve given! Your authority to listen, then act with Your might! To live as a Master Communicator! Love you Jesus, Amen!”

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