Sensational Moment In Life
Rob Nelson

Proverbs 21verse 21 says, “Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself—glorious life!”
God creates sensational moments! Those flashpoints where adrenalin spikes in elation, disbelief, fear overcome, or death defied. Where the gasp of air is coupled with, “Oh My God!”
These treasured times need to be remembered, soaked-in, and used to spur us on, to drive us toward the next sensational experience.
The times where “Oh My God” is followed by “Thank You God!” The sensational moments that affirm that God is the author of all things good, and He’s present right next to you, right now.
Proverbs 21verse 21 says, “Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself—glorious life!”
“Jesus, thank You! You alone created my greatest moments. Thank You for these gifts past, present and those yet to come! Love you Jesus, Amen!”