Tough Questions:
What Do I Need Right Now?
Hebrews 4 verse 10 says, ”God rested after he finished his work. So everyone who enters God’s place of rest will also have rest from their own work just as God did.”
Tough Question: What do I need? You always looking out for others but do you consider what your body, mind, and spirit need right now? Common amongst overachievers accustom to taxing themselves to depletion, often overlooking needed down-time, quiet-time, or time-off to perform at their best.
Even Jesus knew when to pull-back and recognize His needs. Just long enough to rejuvenate, refocus, and redeploy but at full capacity.
“Jesus, I pushed for so long, I’ve lost sight of any other way! Help me slow down and understand what I need in order to glorify You even more! Love you Jesus, Amen!”