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When You Don't Undrestand!

Control The Controllables

When You Don't Undrestand!

Isaiah 26 verse 3 (ERV) says, “God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you.”

When things feel out of control, when you simply don’t understand, focus on the controllables.

I love the stories where all focus is deliberately on Christ. Where life’s challenges are without explanation but the response is clear, “at least I have Jesus!” And the opposite, when victory strikes creating the same look of disbelief followed by, “I can’t believe it Jesus!”

In coaching terms, lose with honor, humble in victory, thankful for Christ either way!

“Jesus, I want to know why but I’m focusing on You whether I understand or not! Keep my hands out and my eyes looking up. Trusting You in loss or victory! Love you Jesus, Amen!”

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